A Witch’s Soul Journal

A Year And A Day Journey

A Year Long Practice…

This journey is created to facilitate your deepening as a Witch, through a beautiful practice of going inward and writing down the bones of your makings and magic.

This is a DIGITAL journey of Holy Questions; 52 weeks of Holy Questions, 1 set of questions per week, each carefully crafted to support the unfurling of your soul’s wisdom and deepen your intimacy with your mystical makings. (And each week you get gorgeously designed downloadable pages to save in your journal.) All of this is held inside our learning portal on the this website.

Writing down the bones of your soul allows the questions you ask yourself to open deep portals within. It is nothing short of magic as an inside job and a gorgeous act of self care.

And this is what A Witch’s Soul Journal is; a weekly practice of sitting down and allowing the journal questions to open up a wellspring of wisdom and growth for you.


A Years Worth Of Practice

52 Holy Questions, 1 per week, carefully crafted to support the unfurling of your souls wisdom and deepen your intimacy with your makings.

Beautiful Downloads

For each week that you get a set of sacred questions to work with, you will also get a beautifully designed PDF Journal page that includes the questions and a page to do your writing on. 57 pages total!

Seasonal Lessons

The journal questions are divided up to work in harmony with the seasons. Each season has a lesson, specific soul movement and wisdom to reveal to you.



  • A weekly set of questions to sit with and journal about all held inside our learning portal on the this website.
  • 57 Beautifully designed journal pages with each set of questions that you can print and add to your sacred journal
  • Seasonal themes that speak to the way your soul most expresses itself during that time of year
  • Lesson on setting a practice for yourself that creates space, deeper wisdom and a growing spiritual connection.
  • NOTE: There are NO refunds for this purchase, so please read this thoroughly.

Beautifully Designed PDF Downloads

Each week you’ll get a page with the actual questions on it along with a blank writing page you can write your answers on. These can be printed to create your own book or you can use them to create a digital version of your journal.

This Year And A Day Journey Is For You If:

  • You long for a guided and consistent practice but haven’t been able to structure that for yourself.
  • You love words, journaling and exploring the depths of your Witch Soul.
  • You know that deep within you is a treasure trove of wisdom and truth just longing to be discovered and brought up to the light of day.
  • The idea of having a set schedule, week after week, to explore the shifting tides of the seasons and your soul sounds like returning home to you.
  • You get giddy over the idea of beautifully designed downloadable journal pages to add to your sacred books.
  • This year is the year you’re turning inward, slowing down and unfurling your soul into a potent Witch’s life.

A Gift For Your Soul

This is the perfect gift to give yourself if you have been longing for both a consistent practice and some time each week that is there specifically for you.

Just you.

It’s an opportunity to make this year one of Deep Listening, which is at the heart of walking this world as a Witch of deep connection with the world of the seen and the unseen.



  • A weekly set of questions to sit with and journal about all held inside our learning portal on the this website.
  • 57 Beautifully designed journal pages with each set of questions that you can print and add to your sacred journal
  • Seasonal themes that speak to the way your soul most expresses itself during that time of year
  • Lesson on setting a practice for yourself that creates space, deeper wisdom and a growing spiritual connection.
  • NOTE: There are NO refunds for this purchase, so please read this thoroughly.

Frequently Asked Questions

How will I get my weekly questions?

Once you purchase you will have access to the entire years worth of questions. So if you purchase The Witch’s Soul Journal in the Summer, you would begin your journey at the Summer modules and follow along until you complete it all a year later. There will be 52 questions in total, along with a few extra lessons on setting up a practice for yourself.

What if I miss a week?

This is designed to go for a whole year and a day, but it’s yours to move at the pace you are able to. So if you find that you can’t do the practice for that week, you can double up the following week or you can just pick up where you left off and go at your own pace. This is for you to have and work with in a manner that best suites you.

Is this more self help/self care or witchcraft?

Yes to both of those things. This is designed to give you a window into who you are as a Witch and deepen your awareness with how you move energetically in the world. You’ll find that as you progress an evolution of your soul will begin to occur because of what you will be touching into each week.