Life As Holy Ritual

A Deep Soul Mentorship With Elena Rego

Learn to weave magic, meaning and deep intentionality into every aspect of your life.  Be soul lead while also enriching every single experience you have. 

YOU are the Priestess of your life. 

I’ll hold space for you on your journey towards your truest embodied path.

This program is designed for Witches who feel the call to transform their lives into a living, breathing ritual, where magic is not just an occasional practice but the very fabric of existence.

What Your Mentorship Entails

The Structure

During the 3 months together we’ll have 6 one hour long sessions and unlimited (during waking hours, since sleep is important for us both) Voxer* access so that if questions or insights come up, we can connect and process through it.

*Voxer is a private messaging app that allows us to communicate with ease.


Not only will we be talking about ritual, but we’ll begin and end our time together in a ritualized manner so as to weave practice into what you’ll be learning to apply to your daily life. It is also the path through which we will connect on a deeper soul level.

Your Intentioned Path

Each time we meet, we’ll dive progressively deeper into the lessons that address your specific intention for our mentorship relationship and the vision of your new way of being once our time together is complete.

Our Work Together

What we do is specifically curated to hold your intention and needs. This might look like lessons on various topics, ritual creation tailored to your vision, intuitive readings, “home practices”, system creation, and co-working as appropriate.

Life As Holy Ritual is not just a mentorship; it’s a three-month pilgrimage to the heart of your being, where every moment is an opportunity to engage in deep Holy Witchery through all aspects of your life.

Your Path To Transformation

Life As A Holy Ritual is designed to guide you towards a life where every action, thought, and breath is an act of ritual magic. Through this mentorship, you will:

  • Discover the Power of Living Your Life As A Ritual: Learn how to weave ritual into the fabric of your daily life, transforming mundane tasks into sacred acts.  This deepens the meaning and impact of every part of your life.
  • Deepen Your Connection With The Holy In All Things: Explore your spiritual path with guidance and support, deepening your connection to the world of the seen and the unseen and your own divine essence.
  • Embrace Your Inner Witch: Whether you’re new to the path or have been walking it for years, this mentorship will help you embrace and embody your identity as a Witch, rooted in feminine spirituality and power.

The Holy Container

The container I hold for you is a sacred alchemy of over 35 years of experience in Social Work, Body Work/Healing, Feminine Spirituality, Dianic Witchcraft, Tantric Dance, Core Shamanism, Sri Vidya Tantra, and 7 years of running a soul lead business.

It’s my life’s mission to facilitate the deep soul unfolding of all women through the lens of ritual and witchcraft. I am here to hold a space filled with love, respect, deep service, and reverence for your soul’s transformative power.

Together, we’ll cultivate a life rich in presence and sacred ritual, infusing joy, wisdom, and abundance into every moment. Our collaboration will focus on transforming a specific area of your life into a nourishing ritual, enriching both you and the world around you.

Energetically, the container I hold you in weaves reverence, trust and a full liberated vision of your soul expression in this life. 

Examples Of What To Focus On

Spiritual Path

The big Truth is that your spiritual path isn’t one aspect of your life – it IS the WHOLE of your life. But we live in a world that often requires compartmentalization. This is the entire mission behind this mentorship offering. The intention here is to create a life that is a holy ritual in its entirety. This looks like making everything you do an expression of your spirituality through the lens of Holy Witchery.


One of the most potent spiritual practices we will ever have in our lives (in truth, I feel that it IS the most potent spiritual practice) is loving another. Romantic relationships, at its core soul, is a practice in learning to love through the dance of the sacred mirror. Seeking to focus on this aspect of your life can entail co-creating practices that bring you closer to love, or create rituals in your relationship, bring intentionality and healing to your soul dance, etc.

Career, Work +/Or Business

Whether you have a career, a job to pay the bills or a business you’ve created, there are tasks, beliefs and themes that we take on because it’s what society deems typical. Most of the time, those beliefs lead to behaviors that are not sustainable, harmful to your well being and deeply soul depleting. Moving from your soul in each of these environments is a reclamation of power and healing we all need.


Many of you hold space for others in a teacher or spiritual leader capacity. Support and refinement is so helpful especially when the balance between leading a group of souls and tending to your own can become challenged. This is a place of support for you, so that you can support others.

How It Works

Step 1

Fill out the form below. If you’re not clear yet on what you want to focus on, we can make that the focus of our first few sessions together.

Step 2

Once you have filled out the form click on the payment option that fits your needs. This will take you to a contract agreement. Once signed, you’ll be prompted to pay.

Step 3

Upon payment completion, you’ll be sent an email giving you the link and instructions for setting up your first mentorship session, as well as a guide to joining Voxer.

Please Fill Out The Form Below Prior To Your First Session

Can you please tell me a bit about you and where you’re at in your life/path/business/relationship right now?
What do you hope to focus on in our time together?
What is the vision you have for yourself at the end of our time together? What is the change you are intending to concrete?

Single Payment

The total cost for 3 Months of Mentorship


Monthly Payment

total cost over 3 months


Elena Rego

A practicing Witch for close to 30 years, I have woven together my experience as a Social Worker, Body Worker, trainings in Feminine Spirituality, Dianic Witchcraft, Tantric Dance, Core Shamanism, Sri Vidya Tantra, and 7 years of running a soul lead business to inform my Priestess work as a ritualist and teacher.  

The core of my work is to be in deep service to our collective unfoldment as spiritually rooted, connected and potent Witches. 


Frequently Asked Questions