The Lockdown Period

The Lockdown Period

I found it unsettling when I stopped menstruating for about 3 months this spring. It was one of those things that I tried not to be overly mindful of, surprising perhaps considering my preoccupation with bloodwork. But with all the novelty, fear and excitement the unfolding pandemic brought in equal measure (said from the perspective…

Shifting with Lunar Time

Shifting with Lunar Time

As I outlined in last month’s post, the LUNARCHY 2.0 Underworld pilgrimage has been well under way since first quarter moon of this month and we are only just emerging from a fortnight of submersion in periodical new-moon-induced darkness, writing as I am on the second quarter moon of October. Now we enter Scorpio season…

Blood is the Symbol

Blood is the Symbol

Breathtakingly lurid, from scarlet to sangria. Sticky; metallic-scented. A crust. Clotted and wet. Rivulets of it – or a mere drop. Blood is a symbol.  For the uninitiated, dabbling in this fluid is perceived as dangerous and demonic; evoking images of sacrifice and unspeakable horror. Blood is mysterious, for sure, but its magical application, folk…