Thank you for subscribing!

Please make sure the information below is correct so that we can make sure to get your box right to your doorway!

Things To Know

  • All emails will come from The Witches Box unless it’s the postal service with your tracking number.
  • Your credit card bill will read some variation of TWB Elevated Media LLC, depending on how long your statement allows the name to be.
  • Once you have subscribed, you’ll receive an email notification when your box ships.
  • During the wait time we can all still stay connected. We have a few social media accounts where we will be sharing lunar phase updates, inspiration and spells and other news well as blog posts on how to get the most out of the items we send you.

Be sure to follow us:


Thank you so much for joining us! We can’t wait to hear about how you’re enjoying your box!  (scroll down for your account information!)

