Air Portal Ritual

Air Portal Ritual

Intention:  To initiate a deeper relationship with the element of Air, such that for 3+ days you become a portal of receptivity for a mutable calibration of your being and download of that specific elemental wisdom.   Each element has its own language and story to share specifically with you about how you move in…

A Witch’s Broom

A Witch’s Broom

Meaning/symbolism:  Because of the stick AND the bristles, the broom was seen as something that was both masculine and feminine, or what we might today call energetically receptive and active.  It is symbolic of the Goddess and the God. For that reason, the broom or besom as it is sometimes called, symbolized fertility, union, as…

Earth Portal Ritual

Earth Portal Ritual

Intention: To initiate a deeper relationship with the element of Earth, such that for 3+ days you become a portal of receptivity for a mutable calibration of your being and download of that specific elemental wisdom.   Each element has its own language and story to share specifically with you about how you move in…