• A Witch’s Soul Journal – A Year And A Day Journey


    This is a digital course with beautifully designed downloadable PDFs.  For more detailed information you can go HERE.

    A Gift For Your Soul

    This is the perfect gift to give yourself if you have been longing for both a consistent practice and some time each week that is there specifically for you.

    Just you.

    It’s an opportunity to make this year one of Deep Listening, which is at the heart of walking this world as a Witch of deep connection with the world of the seen and the unseen.

    What’s included:

    • A weekly set of questions to sit with and journal about
    • 57 Beautifully designed journal pages with each set of questions that you can print and add to your sacred journal
    • 4 Video lessons on Seasonal themes that speak to the way your soul most expresses itself during that time of year
    • Lesson on setting a practice for yourself that creates space, deeper wisdom and a growing spiritual connection.