Where All Things Pause And Begin Again
For me it’s really… Pause and Renew. Pause and Renew.
Hallows is so many things for us. The veil is the thinnest. Tonight we all travel, divine, The voices of our ancestors speak to us from beyond and we have the chance to honor them for all that they have done to get us to where we are today.
But this is just the heart center of a Season. This is the Deep Dive that will continue to pull us in and send out reverberations through Winter Solstice and beyond.
This Pause is long. It’s spacious and it’s intimate.
Once we meet with the Ancestors and have done our divining for the coming year, the rest of the time continues to feed us, guide us and infuse our magick.
Taking Care Of Ourselves
Self care, boundaries and protection is critical at this time of year. Rest. So much rest is needed as the wheel of the year turns us towards the end of the cycle.
As November begins, be mindful of what you engage in, how many engagements you commit to, the amount of noise you subject yourself to on social media and how much time you set aside for yourself to sit at your altar and practice.
Be protective of your energy and attention. And then dear Witches, work your magick. Do the work of letting go of that which no longer serves you, so that you might go into the rest of Winter so that you might return in the Spring in full force.
Much love and blessing,