Skeleton Key Magic, Symbolism and Use

Skeleton Keys hold quite a lot of mystique and symbolism.  Movies have done much to drive home the idea that these keys could open any door.  And this is true of actual skeleton keys.  Though they generally hold a similar shape in our collective unconscious, an actual skeleton key can be of any shape, including modern renditions of keys.

That said, in magickal practices the symbolism of a skeleton key exists in it’s ability to open all doors, allowing passage into those places that exist behind locked barriers.  This is in reference, of course, to liminal spaces, and the spiritual realms of the unseen.

Keys represent knowledge and access. And it’s important to note that they can both open doors and LOCK doors. Possessing a key is both about gaining access and setting boundaries.

Skeleton Keys – Uses On The Altar:

  • For divination, the passageway ‘in’.
  • The holder of the key is allowed access to all that is unseen
  • A symbol for sealed or locked away secrets – an anchor in an obscuration spell
  • An initiatory tool held by the one that has gained access into specific spaces on the other side
  • A talisman in a protection spell
  • The amulet of the Traveler
  • Can be hung at doorways of your home for protection
  • Removing blocks
  • Opening roads
  • Calling spirits

Invocation To Charge Your Skeleton Key

Sacred Key, Sacred Key,
I charge you with the task
of unlocking the path of mystery.
Grant me pass, let me in
Make available the secrets
that exist within.

When doing any type of charing work/chant, I like to chant it for as long as I feel the need. The more you rely on your intuition, the more affective you become as a Witch and navigating the unseen.

School Of Holy Witchery

Come join us in learning about embodying a rich and meaningful life as a Holy Witch, where magic is a gorgeous part of the language and manifestation is an invitation to be a part of a more connected and celebratory expression of life.

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One Comment

  1. I’m purchasing 6 Skelton keys for my grandkids. I would like to clean them and have them dipped in gold and silver one pair for each grandchild.
    Do you have a suggestion on how to proceed …it’s next years Christmas gift 2024.

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