New Moon in Pisces, March 13th, 2021
- New Moon: 23° Pisces 03′
- Date: March 13th, 2021
- Time: 6:21 am ET / 3:21 am PST
- Element: Water
- Modality: Mutable
- Co Rulers: Jupiter & Neptune
The New/Dark Moon marks the beginning of an emotional cycle that will reach its climax in six months with the Full Moon of the same zodiac sign. Every month it happens in the same sign and degree as the Sun. Thus, it occurs when both luminaries are in a perfect conjunction that results with the Moon being completely overshadowed. Symbolically, this merges our external identity/conscience (Sun), with our inner, subconscious world and emotional nature (Moon).
This is when the waning moon has reached completion and it’s in its darkest phase, making us go inward. Therefore, it’s still a moment of stillness, recharging and for retreating. However, as the dawn always comes after the darkness it also announces a new beginning that we’re not able to see just yet. Thus, it makes it perfect to set intentions that you want to manifest in six months with the Full Moon of the same sign.
The most magical New Moon of the year will occur at 23 degrees Pisces, a Water and Mutable sign ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. This lunar event will be opening a new emotional cycle of six months that has an immense manifesting & creative potential. Since it will be happening beside Venus combust, but who’s exalted in this sign and conjunct her higher octave, Neptune, it highlights that something is being conceived in the darkness of our energetic womb, having to do with Neptunian and Venusian matters, like with love and romance, with our dreams and desires or the mystical and the divine. Thus, this makes this new cycle excellent to begin diving on a new sacred practice or path, to begin a new creative, mystical or an artistic project and/or business or a new relationship with a soulmate.
This lunar event will occur seven days before the start of the Equinox and the astrological new year. Thus, happening at the veil between the change of seasons, bringing also a very healing, purifying and restorative energy in order to begin the new season with a clean slate. Further, it’s also happening at the midpoint between Eclipse Season and, although the luminaries will not be in a close square with the lunar nodes during the event, the Sun exactly squared them the week before. Interestingly, that occurred during the Last Quarter in Sagittarius, and so the Moon was exactly conjunct the South Node while the Sun squared both.
For instance, from the Full Moon in Virgo to the week before this New Moon, we may have become conscious of what we should heal, release and banish from our lives whilst it illuminated false illusions and non serving beliefs. In addition, these last two weeks, Mercury, which was the ruler of the Full Moon, was still in its retrograde shadow. However, it leaves its retrograde zone the day of this lunar event. Therefore, the New Moon in Pisces offers us an opportunity to start again and to restore our lives from within. The energy is extremely healing so if you desire to sooth matters of the heart or of your health, this is a new start when you will begin to feel gradually restored if you set the intention for that.
The luminaries, which are representatives of the Yin (Moon) and Yang (Sun), will be merging with the Venus & Neptune conjunction in Pisces. Hence, inviting us to tap into our inner High Priestess, the wise feminine that stands between the light (Sun/Yang) and dark (Moon/Yin) pillars, in order to shed light to our hidden or repressed longings that our gut is pulsing us to follow. Thus, encouraging us to look beyond the material realm or our conscious mind in order to access our inner wisdom and our secret knowledge. The message is that when it comes to making decisions and setting intentions for this new cycle, the key is to be dictated from within, not without.
Further, this mystical energy will help us access our subconscious mind, the one that mysteriously influences our thought patterns and our behavior, creating our reality. Hence, this New Moon also encourages us to restore our inner ambience, to wipe out what no longer serves and reprogram our subconscious beliefs in order to attract love, abundance and the realization of our desires (Venus & Neptune). In addition, our subconscious will be highly active with messages, especially in our dreams which may be prophetic. This makes this New Moon excellent for practicing divination, reading the tarot, exploring and recording your dreams, shadow work, making a vision board or for writing affirmations.
Further, as Venus is the representation of the divine feminine and it will be conjunct the Moon while under the Sun’s beams it highlights that something is being conceived in the dark. Additionally, since it’s the sign where it’s exalted and mostly fertile while being conjunct magician Neptune, it has an immense creative and manifesting potential. Thus, what we envision, desire and set the intention to create, will birth to light with the Harvest Moon in Pisces, which is when this new cycle has reached completion.
However, as Venus is combust and soon to close a cycle and shift Evening Star when it makes its superior conjunction with the Sun on March 26th, her energy is not optimally to be accessed for outward matters, reinforcing that this New Moon calls for us to make inward and subconscious changes so that our outer world eventually becomes a reflection of our restored inner world. Additionally, before this New Moon, this transit has been bringing a fall or a loss as something is being dissolved and released. However, this is in order to prepare you for the new start and the restoration that comes after this lunar event.
Where the New Moon will be transiting in your chart indicates the area of life where this new restorative cycle will begin, offering you an infinite potential to manifest your desires. This is based on your rising sign and the whole sign system. Look for your rising sign below.
If you’d like to work with this New Moon, I created an e-book filled with activities, like suggested tarot spreads for this new cycle, astro-tarotscopes for each sign, a guide to set intentions and journal questions to focus your lunar work. Click here to support me on Patreon and to download and begin your personal transformation journey by following and synchronizing with the lunar cycle.
- Pisces: In the first house. Hence, the area of self, appearance, personality; ruling over your personal goals, your physical body and how other people see you.
- Aries: In the twelfth house. Hence, the area of the unconscious mind, mental health, spirituality, isolation, confinement, endings and losses and everything you do behind the scenes.
- Taurus: In the eleventh house. Hence, the area of friends, groups, community, social networks, connections, social recognition, goals and aspirations.
- Gemini: In the tenth house. Hence, the area of career, public image and social status.
- Cancer: In the ninth house. Hence, the area of expansion, long term travel, higher knowledge, college education, philosophical and religious beliefs.
- Leo: In the eighth house. Hence, the area of transformation, the occult, shared resources, other people’s money, tax, credit, investments; sex and the intimacy you share with a partner.
- Virgo: In the seventh. Hence, the area of relationships, business partnerships, collaborations, laws and contracts.
- Libra: In the sixth house. Hence, the area of health and wellness, service work and work environment, daily tasks, routines and productivity.
- Scorpio: In the fifth house. Hence, the area of fun, romance and dating, creativity, projects, children and fertility.
- Sagittarius: In the fourth house. Hence, the area of the home, family, natal city, your roots, the past and internal world.
- Capricorn: In the third house. Hence, the area of the mind and communication, ideas, education, hobbies and interests, siblings and neighbors and immediate environment.
- Aquarius: In the second house. Hence, the area of personal resources, money, possessions, value system, self worth and self esteem.