November 2019 Calling Hecate Box

I’ve been dreaming of this box for over a year now.  It was definitely a box that I wanted to send out after we had covered a few things regarding invocation and working with deities. 

In truth, the box will never be deity heavy.  This might be the only one we send out like this.  But I wanted to give you all an opportunity to work with invocation and calling in energies that you can work with, learn from and experience first hand.

Hecate is a perfect Goddess for this.  The Goddess of the Witches, She is the epitome of magick as in, every single thing involved in the act of magick, is her purview among many other things.

There is much to discuss and explore here, so first and foremost know that the forum and the Deep Dive Gathering will give you a lot more information on working with Her.  Also, I’ll remind you all that I’ve done a few book reviews on both books about Hecate specifically and books on invocations in general. Those can be a great help to you.

I’ll also be reviewing quite a few books on Hecate specifically throughout the month of November.

So!  This box… The statue of Hecate depicts her as a solitary figure.  Usually, you’ll see her depicted as a triple goddess. Her triple aspect is a relatively new aspect of her so I wanted to give you all a broader brush with which to work with. This is why I also included a list of many of Her epithets or names and meanings. 

This not only gives you a deeper idea of her different aspects, but it also serves to tell you which of Her names came to you in your specific box.  We had Keeli Smith make us the gorgeous Hecate’s Wheel or Her Strophalos and on the back of each is a different epithet or name for Hecate. I wanted this to serve as an oracle reading of what aspect of Her she most wanted you to explore.

There is also a sigil for Hecate that you can use in your invocation of her, a gorgeous smoky quartz that is one of Her stones. These too serve as their own mysterious oracle, as the color range of these gorgeous stones was so varied, I couldn’t stop looking at them!  From the very very lightest to the very darkest of these stones, all of them hold the mysteries of her teachings and all of them speak to something specific for you.

This box also comes with 2 of the latest Witches Apothecary incense; Calling Hecate and Trance Journey.  Both can help you in your ritual work with Hecate and beyond.

We now have this added layer to the box where we have our own private forum.  Instructions on how to join this should have already been sent to you. We’ll discuss more about each of these tools and ways to work with Hecate there.  The Deep Dive will go over a more advanced way of working with Her once you have gotten familiar with the invocation ritual included in this box.

Can’t wait to do this work with you all!


In This Box

  • 1 Sigil
  • 1 Hecate’s Wheel
  • 1 Smoky Quartz
  • 1 Hecate Statue
  • 1 Trance Journey Incense
  • 1 Calling Hecate Incense
  • 6 disks of charcoal
  • 1 Oracle card – Cards from the Barbeiri Tarot
  • 1 BOS pack of Hecate’s Epithets
  • 1 BOS ritual for Invoking Hecate
  • 1 BOS page on Smoky Quartz

At the time of this posting, the box is still in stock! Get your Calling Hecate Box while they are still in stock HERE. And if you haven’t subscribed to our Witches Box yet, please do! You can find out all you need HERE.

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